Master of Fine Arts in Sculpture

在掌握跨学科的同时挑战自己, 邓波儿的多媒体艺术创作探索之路 Master of Fine Arts in Sculpture at the Tyler School of Art and Architecture. 在这个60学分的研究生课程中追求一系列创造性的途径, including digital fabrication, film and video, large-scale architectural installations, material and object-based practices, performance, research-based practices, socially engaged art, sound, and time-based media. 

在你的核心实践和研究领域花费大量的工作室时间,在一个重视思想交流的边界推动社区中进行批评和讨论. The curriculum emphasizes mentorship, interdisciplinarity, 探究与研究,丰富实践,创造理论, 艺术与社会之间的哲学和具体联系. 

Sculpture MFA students learn from an award-winning faculty of artists in state-of-the-art, expansive facilities that host dedicated metal, wood and mold-making shops; new media labs; and a sound recording booth. Students are challenged to grow creatively, 智力和情感上通过冒险, 熟练掌握技术,拓展实践知识. 

作为坦普尔大学的一部分,学生们可以获得广泛的资源,以了解和推进他们的实践, public research university located in Philadelphia, a historic city with a vibrant arts scene. 许多泰勒艺术硕士学生选择追求出国留学的机会 Temple University Rome, a home base for immersive artistic, 自1966年以来泰勒学生的学术和文化探索. 

An image of a sculpture

Program Format & Curriculum  

MFA Sculpture courses provide a broad, 跨学科的框架,以发展个人的创造性实践和专业目标,在同行的社区. 两名全职雕塑教授和八名研究生的师生比例创造了一个支持性的学习环境,将不同的工作室实践与独立的学习和研究相结合. 教授们积极展示不同美学的艺术家,并在3D和多维实践的一系列领域提供指导. 

With core courses aligned over two weekdays, 在增加艺术史和其他必修课或选修课时,学生有相当大的灵活性和选择, 要么是泰勒的研究生课程,要么是整个大学. 批评和批判话语课程是第一年学习的基础. Under the mentorship of a faculty member, 学生还参与研究和论文展览. 


  • Art History Seminar (5000, 8000 and 9000 level)  
  • Critique and Critical Discourse I and II  
  • Directed Studio Practice  
  • Graduate Projects, Sculpture 
  • Master of Fine Arts Thesis 


Related Graduate Degrees  

Related Graduate Certificates 

Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, 这个美术硕士课程提供有竞争力的学费水平和多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. 这些学费适用于2024-2025学年.

Pennsylvania resident: $1,318.00 per credit
Out-of-state: $1,751.00 per credit

You can view the full 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


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